SIRA, Swedish International Relief Association, is a Swedish foundation with the aim of running two special schools in Palestine for children with various forms of learning difficulties. The goal is for more Palestinian children to complete their basic education.


This Superhumans project seeks to provide mental health services to traumatized children in Ukraine who need and prosthetic as a result of Russias war, and aims to improve their and their parents quality of life.

Real Stars Stockholm

RealStars Ideell Förening Stockholm is a non-profit association with the aim to work for Fair Sex and a better world free from sex trafficking and an equal society with respect for human rights.

UNICEF – Ukraine

The invasion of Ukraine has shaken Europe and the world. Millions of civilians have been forced to flee their homes and the UN highlights the war as the largest refugee crisis within Europe since the second World War.

Psychological First Aid – War Child Ukraine

War Child have a long experience with children in conflicts and recognise the damage that war can do to a child's psychological well-being. Therefor War Child offers psychological first aid to the Ukrainian refugees in Poland and Moldavia.

The Scouts and 4H – together for children and young people’s mental health!

Mental illness is spreading withing children and youth in Sweden and internationally. Studies show that many children and youth that come to the Scouts and 4H are feeling bad but that both organisation's closenes to the nature, as well as conversations with te leaders, help the children to silence their hard thougths.

Dara Institute

Dara Institute is a civil society organisation and a pioneer in cross-sector work within social determinants of health. The organisation works to promote health and human development by implementing and fostering an integrated approach to fight poverty and reduce inequalities


Frysthusets project DeDs target group is youths ages 12-29 who are at risk of developing a criminal or destructive lifestyle. Their aim is to counteract recruitment to criminal gangs, encourage a positive view on the future for their youths and further democratic values among them.


ECPAT Sweden is a children's rights organisation that works against the sexual exploitation of children. The purpose is to identify the children who are abused and ensure that they receive help. ECPAT staff analyses the tips they receive and removes abusive material from the internet so that it does not spread.

Futebol dá Força

Futebol dá Força is an international foundation that educate and supports soccer coaches to create safe places for girls where they can strengthen their self-esteem, leadership and health, while at the same time working to strengthen girls' rights and opportunities far beyond the soccer field.

The EllenCenter

The Ellen Center is a place for young people between the ages of 15 and 25 who have experience from using sex for compensation, as self-harming behaviour (so-called "sugar dating") or being sold by others for sexual purposes. They offer free help and support to everyone while working to prevent a world free from sexual exploitation.

Org 1825- Therapy Center for young adults

Org 1825’s Therapy centers for young adults work to promote psychological well-being and reduce psychological distress among youths – in groups and individually – and on the youth’s own terms. Young adults can seek their support without a referral. Org 1825 also conduct clinical activities, knowledge development and advocacy work.

Knas Hemma

Knas Hemma is a youth organisation for children and youth who have been put into foster or community care. By using the children and youth’s own experiences, Knas Hemma wants to educate, influence, disseminate knowledge and conduct advocacy work in the society to make sure that all children in community care should beir vision and goals are for the children to be seen, listened to and loved.

Ersta Fristad

Ersta Fristad, part of Ersta diakoni, is a safe house for women and children who are, or have been, exposed to domestic violence where they can come for protection, support and treatment.

Mind – Mind The Children

Mind works for a society that promotes psychological well-being - a society where people with psychological disorders and psychiatric diagnoses are respected, get the support they need and where no one takes their life. Mind runs the Suicide Line, the Elderly Line, the Parent Line and the Mind Forum.

Swallows Latin America

The Swallows Latin America is a non-partisan and non-religious association founded in 1959, working with 12 local partner organisations in Bolivia, Nicaragua and Peru to combat child sexual trafficking. The Swallows Latin America aims to give children, young adults and women an increased influence in society and improved living conditions.


Solrosen (the Sunflower) is a non-profit organisation which since 2000 work with giving direct support to children and youth in families with a parent in prison. In addition, Solrosen contribute with knowledge to other organisations that meet the children.

Operation Smile

Every year, 200 000 children across the world are born with cleft lip and palate. Sometimes this face abnormality is life threatening and in many cases it means a life in exclusion. Operation Smiles’ mission is through volunteer healthcare interventions perform operations which give people the possibility to a decent and worthy life.

World Children’s Prize – Toi Moi Mêmes Droits

WCP educate and strengthen children to act as change makers and stand up for compassion, the right of the child, democracy and sustainable change. In this project, 100 000 children in Benin, Burkina Faso and Senegal are educated on the equal rights of girls.

War Child Colombia

War Child is an international children's rights organization whose work is to give war-affected children a chance for a better future through psychosocial support, education and protection. In 2019, War Child supported around 300,000 people in 16 countries.


Child10 brings together and supports grassroots organizations working against human trafficking and child exploitation. They do this through support, organizational development and coordination of initiatives as well as advocacy work and dissemination of knowledge to strengthen the protection of children at risk of being exploited.

Engineers Without Borders

Engineers without Borders is a non-profit organization that uses technical expertise and engineering to address challenges related to inequality and global development both internationally and in Sweden.


MusikBojen works to ensure that children and young people in Sweden have access to music therapy. The recipients are at pediatric clinics around the country, at homes for children and young people and receive psychosocial support.

House of Plenty Foundation

The House of Plenty Foundation works to help marginalized children and young people out of poverty and into working life. Our work is based on a specific method where young people can take part in practical and vocational training in areas such as IT, English and entrepreneurship.

War Child Libanon

War Child's work aims to give war-affected children a chance for a better future through psychosocial support, education and protection. In 2018, War Child supported over 215,000 people in 16 countries. Most were children, but also the adults close to the children were included.

Project Playground Sverige

Project Playground is a non-profit organization that works to improve the life situation of children and young people in vulnerable situations both in Sweden and South Africa. Thanks to H.M. Queen Silvia's Foundation-Care About the Children, we have the opportunity to develop our Stockholm-based business.


The Children's Rights Agency is a children's rights organization that works to ensure that children and young people are taken seriously and receive the right help from society. We do this by offering support, advice and practical help in all matters concerning children's rights.

Insamlingsstiftelsen mot Trafficking (IMT)

IMT is a national organization that works to support those who have fallen victim to human trafficking. In 2015, IMT founded the Fund for Children in Human Trafficking, a project that aims to support children and young people who have been trafficked.

Läkare i Världen

Médicins du Monde not only offers help to marginalized people, we also testify to human rights violations we see and work actively to ensure that all people have access to care. Every year, we help about 2,000 vulnerable people with medical care, psychosocial support and legal advice.


With children's dreams as a driving force, Erikshjälpen wants to be involved and change the world. Through efforts for education, health and security and protection, children and young people around the world are given help and the opportunity to dare to dream about the future.

Trygga Barnen

Trygga Barnen (Safe Children) is a foundation that offers help and support to children and young adults who live in, or have been raised in, a family with addiction, substance abuse or mental illness.


Tjejzonen (the Girls’ Zone) is Sweden’s largest support organisation for girls. They fight for girls’ right to be listened to and for mental illness to decrease among all those who define themselves as girls, between the ages of 10 to 25.

Ersta Vändpunkten

Ersta Vändpukt (Ersta Turning point), a part of Ersta Diakoni’s activities, is a professional reception for children, teenagers, young adults, parents and other adults who live in, or have been raised, in a family or relationship with substance abuse.

Yennenga Progress

Yennenga Progress is a Swedish / Burkina Faso based non-profit organization that, based in the village of Nakamtenga in Burkina Faso, created the concept The Good Village, to build welfare communities in micro format in countries that do not have a tax-financed welfare, with structure for local organization and financing.

Association of Unaccompanied Refugees

Association of Unaccompanied Refugees is a non-profit association that is founded and run by unaccompanied young refugee people from different countries. The focus is on highlighting that young people who have come to Sweden alone can, and want to, represent themselves.

Ronald McDonald House Lund

Ronald McDonald’s house in Lund is a non-profit foundation which main goal is to make life easier for severely ill children and their families during the child’s time at the University hospital in Lund

Mentor Latvia

The Mentor Latvia Association is a non-profit organization that works to promote well-being among young people who lack support from home.

Children’s Asylum Law Center

The Children's Asylum Law Center focuses on children in the asylum process, both those who are in Sweden with their family and those who came here unaccompanied. We work to ensure that their rights as children are respected in the asylum process and that children and young people receive information about their rights and the right legal advice.


The popular movement Bris started in 1971 and contributed to Sweden getting the world's first legal banning of corporal punishment of children. With the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a basis, we today provide support to children, mobilize society for children's rights and influence decision - makers by making children's voices heard.

The Swedish Scouts

The scouts give over 65,700 children and young people from all parts of society the chance to experience adventure together and grow as individuals. This means that every day we contribute to an open society characterized by diversity and respect, something that is more relevant than ever.


Action aid is an international organisation located in 48 countries. Their vision is a world without poverty. They believe that everyone has the ability to change their lives for the better. That is why we work together with vulnerable people to create long-term sustainable changes.

Solvatten (Solar Water)

Solvatten is a Swedish innovation that purifies and heats water with sunlight. We are now implementing a Solvatten project in Kakuma, Kenya where we focus on helping especially women and children, who live in extreme poverty.

World Children’s Prize – Moçambique

WCP educates and strengthens children to become changemakers that stand up for humanity, the child's rights, democracy and sustainable development. To date, 45 million children worldwide have participated since its inception in 2000.

War Child Syria

Barn hör aldrig hemma i krig! War Child ger stöd till barn som berörs av konflikter runt om i världen genom att ge dem psykosocialt stöd, utbildning och skydd. Genom kreativa metoder hjälper vi barnen att komma över sin oro.

Project Playground

Project Playground är en ideell organisation som verkar för att förbättra utsatta barn och ungas möjligheter i livet genom en meningsfull fritid med fokus på individen. Project Playground startades 2010 och har flera verksamheter i kåkstäder utanför Kapstaden, Sydafrika.


Tostan är en internationell organisation med verksamhet i Senegal och fem andra västafrikanska länder. Genom att undervisa i bland annat mänskliga rättigheter, demokrati, hälsa har människor i tusentals byar själva tagit initiativ till att upphöra med kvinnlig omskärelse och barnäktenskap.


Clowner förgyller sjukhusvistelsen för svårt sjuka barn genom improviserade möten. Våra professionella clowner har lång erfarenhet av att möta barn och vuxna i svåra skeden i livet. Lyhördhet och empati är clownens främsta redskap.

Färgstarka hälsosamtal

Vi ser inte på utsidan hur eleverna mår – vi måste fråga för att få veta! Det Färgstarka hälsosamtalet är en ny metodik, utvecklad för skolhälsovården, som fokuserar på elevens egen upplevelse av sin livssituation.

Lilla Erstagården

På Lilla Erstagården får svårt sjuka barn och ungdomar – och deras familjer – vård och stöd i livets slutskede.

Alla Kvinnors Hus

Alla Kvinnors Hus erbjuder skyddat boende för våldsutsatta kvinnor och deras barn. Förskolan ger barnen i boendet en trygg plats i en tid när mycket annat är kaotiskt.

Mentor Sverige

Mentor är en ideell organisation som arbetar med mentorskap för unga 13-17 år. Den som har en stark framtidstro kan lättare avstå från våld och droger! Organisationen jobbar också med att stötta, utbilda och uppmuntra tonårsföräldrar.

Non-Violence Project

I 20 år har Non-Violence Project arbetat i länder världen över med konkreta icke-våldsutbildningar. Förhoppningen är att skapa ansvarsfulla unga som leder världen framåt på ett fredligt sätt.

Door Step School

Organisationen Door Step School arbetar sedan 25 år med att utbilda barn i slummen i Mumbai, Indien. Man ger bland annat stödundervisning till barn som annars riskerar att hoppa av skolan i förtid.

Mentor USA

Mentor Foundation USA är en ideell organisation som arbetar med att förebygga drog- och alkoholmissbruk bland ungdomar i utsatta områden. De får samtidigt hjälp att identifiera och uppnå sina livsmål.