UNICEF – Ukraine

The invasion of Ukraine has put the lives of millions of children at risk. Many of the children still in Ukraine struggle to get their basic needs met and the war has put a strain on the medical care in the country. UNICEF operates in Ukraine and its neighbouring countries to save the lives of the families who have had to leave their homes and previous life behind.

In all wars, children are the worst affected; the psychological injuries of this war will follow the Ukrainian children for life, and the refugee children still living in Ukraine struggle to get their basic needs met.  

H.M. Queen Silvia’s foundation has donated to the UNICEF operation in Ukraine to contribute to the dire need for medical equipment and natal care, food, water and other necessities for the refugees still in Ukraine. In addition to this, the foundation’s donation support their blue dot centres, a safe zone for children and refugees are safe and can find their missing family members.  

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